Benefits of Membership in Lake States Lumber Association:

Legislative Input

At this moment, some law is being considered somewhere that will have an effect on you and your business. One of the main goals of our Association is to keep current with legislative initiatives and to speak as a unified voice on issues that affect our industry. Our Association has three legislative consultants: Scott Everett in Michigan (517-204-3328), Amy Boyer in Wisconsin (608-229-3079), and Dana Cole with the Hardwood Federation in Washington, D.C. (202-463-2705). These individuals are actively working on behalf of our membership to give our input on state and federal legislation.

Informative Newsletter

Our bi-monthly newsletter, “The LOG,” will provide you with current information and articles aimed specifically at our industry. It is also an affordable place to advertise your goods and services. In addition to our membership, this publication is sent to other associations, prospective members and legislators.

Buyer’s Guide

Each member company is listed in our annual Buyer’s Guide, which is distributed to all of the membership and is available for non-members to purchase. This Guide is a helpful tool in networking with others in the industry and keeping in contact with other member companies.

Productive Meetings

Our Association has several meetings throughout the year, including golf outings, in order to keep our membership abreast of current issues. In the past several years our meeting format has been updated and changed to better serve our members. Exciting speakers are featured at the meetings and provide attendees motivational opportunities and discussions on industry issues.

Educational Seminars

You can develop great employee skills through LSLA Education, Inc.’s seminars. The yearly schedule changes but seminars offered in the last few years include: Hardwood Lumber Grading, Lean Manufacturing, Sawmill or Dry Kiln Startup and Expansion, Conversion to a Wood Fire Boiler and so many others!

Member Involvement

Problems. Every industry has them. And the bigger and broader the industry is, the more problems it has, especially when it’s as diverse as the lumber industry.

That is why the Lake States Lumber Association was founded. It was started by people concerned with the future and the problems facing the lumber industry. LSLA was formed to address industry issues, promote the use of northern-grown timber, and encourage the exchange of information within the industry.

The LSLA Board of Directors is constantly re-evaluating and re-prioritizing the issues facing our member companies, along with the goals and focus of the Association, in order to ensure we are staying current with what our members need.

Our organization’s structure remains healthy by active participation by members via committee activities and open floor discussions. Procedures for selecting our Board of Directors are designed to solicit member input and ensure your participation in the Association’s decision-making process.

Fill out the Membership Application form and send it in to us.

2024 Membership List

2025 LSLA Officers

Kirby Kendrick: President
Bill Millard: Vice President
Loren DeJonge: Secretary
Kyle Jeske: Treasurer

Board of Directors

Steve Peters
Kate Miller
Jim Maltese
Jamie Peters
John Yeshe
Tammy Sue Donaldson
Dave Kuehl


Tim Kassis: President
Scott Shaver: VP/Treasurer
Logan Wells: Director
John Gehringer: Director
Colten Heagle: Director
Scott Lyon: Director
Bill Millard: Director/VP of LSLA